Urine Test
On home page click on urine test.
Click on step by step guide button or if you know how to test then click on i know how to take the test.
Step 1:
Collect your urine sample in the provided container.
Urinate into the container mid-stream means you don’t collect the first or last part of urine that comes out.
Make sure the container is filled till top.
Then click on urine collected button.
Then click on got it on display instruction message.
Step 2:
Open pouch seal, & retrieve your test card.
It is important you open the test card pouch only after collecting your urine sample. Since the card is moisture sensitive & at-risk of contamination.
Then click on opened sealed pouch button.
Step 3:
Immerse the card into the urine sample for 2 seconds, then remove.
When immersing the card into the sample, make sure the black area is dipped completely.
After removing the card from the sample, tap or shake the card gently in order to remove excess droplets.
Then click on card dipped and shaken.
Step 4:
Now, place the test card on the control pad, & start the timer.
Make sure that the test card is properly aligned in accordance to the central area of the control pad.
Then click on card placed.
Step 5:
Scan the card immediately after the timer ends.
If you were unable to start the timer within a few seconds of withdrawing the card, click on the “I have waited enough” button below to ensure that the card is scanned during the window period of 60-90 seconds post-dipping.
Step 6:
Please scan the card immediately in order to receive results with maximum accuracy.
Click on scan my card.
Step 7:
Scan card and click on Take photo.
Make sure the wellness card is clearly visible in the photo and tap then the “Upload” button.
Step 8:
Result screen is displaying.
On result screen (Bilirubin, Blood, Ketone, Glucose, Nitrite, Leukocytes, Protein, pH, Urobilinogen, Specific gravity) all parameters are displaying.
Click on continue button.
Step 9:
How to dispose.
3 simple steps to dispose off the kit items.
Empty urine from cup into the toilet.
Put used test card back inside the silver pouch.
Throw the urine cup and the pouch in the garbage bin.