Android 6.0 and Higher Devices
  1. From a Home screen, navigate: AppsSettings Apps.
    Note If unavailable, navigate: AppsSettings > (Applications) Application manager.
    Note For Oreo OS, navigate: Apps iconSettings Apps & NotificationsApp info.
  2. Tap Google Play Store.
  3. Tap Storage.
  4. Tap Clear Cache then tap Clear Data.
  5. Tap OK.
Android 5.1 and Lower Devices
  1. From a Home screen, navigate: AppsSettings.
  2. Tap one of the following:
    Note Option varies depending upon device.
    • Apps
    • Applications
    • Application manager
    • App manager
  3. Tap Google Play Store.
  4. Tap Clear Cache then tap Clear Data.
  5. Tap OK.